Biomarker Discovery with CETSA® Explore – Focus on protein status

Here we present some of the latest results and learnings from the CETSA® Explore Target Engagement Atlas (TEA). In this initiative we have used compressed CETSA® Explore (PISA) to map cellular responses to hundreds of well-known drugs and probes.

Date: 14 December 2021

Moderator: Helena Almqvist, Project Advisor, Pelago Bioscience

Presenter: Daniel Martinez Molina, CSO, Pelago Bioscience

Duration: 1h

The TEA allows us to identify hallmarks of cellular responses to different types of drugs and assign biomarkers beyond specific target engagement. By extending the TEA initiative to several different cell lines, we also observe clear cellular discrepancies in response patterns to a large number of drugs, indicating that alternative biomarker ID approaches based on quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics may only serve to tell part of the story.

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